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Google Analytics and how it works

Google Analytics and how it works?
Google analytics is a tool offered by Google to business owners to help them check, how their website is performing. It really shows them a lot of data and helps them work on their improvement areas. We have a team of best Google Analytics experts in Delhi/NCR who can do it for you.
How it is done?
You just have to insert a set of coding in your website’s backend and you are all set to go. Tools like Google Tag Manager or Word Press are user friendly and they make it really easy to place these codes in the right place. This will help the business owner to keep the track of the number of people visiting your website every month and how much time they are spending on specific pages.
The best part of Google Analytics is that it is completely free of cost. A new startup really needs to keep track of how the business is going and what exactly they have to do next. Our Call 9911433439 digital marketing agency in Delhi/NCR can provide you all the support and guidance regarding the same.

Some of the most important Google Analytics metrics for a business are mentioned below:
  • Traffic: Gone are the days when customer had to stand in a queue to get a newly launched product in the market. However, time has changed a lot. Now a days, customers prefer to check or buy the product online rather than visiting a store physically. When you market your brand, you want to know how effective it is for your business and you improve your marketing techniques accordingly.
  • Traffic Source: There are various social media platforms where a business owner advertises the product. You must be curious to know which one works best for you. You can see this with Traffic Source feature of Google Analytics.
  • Average Time Spent: In a physical store, the business owner does not get the chance to know his customer, however, with the help of Google Analytics metrics, they become aware of how much time a customer spent on the website. This shows the business owner, how the website is working in terms of content.
  • Bounce Rate: Bounce rate is when customer does not like what he sees on your website and just exit without spending any time there. This Google Analytics metrics shows that you need to work upon your landing page or you need to have a better website. A high bounce rate of a website indicates that the content of the website is not good and needs to be worked upon.
  • New users’ v/s returning users: It is said that in an 80/20 rule, 80% of your results come with 20% of your effort. Retaining your existing customers is much easier than converting a new one. So, you must keep an eye on the number of new users and how many of them are returning users. Don’t worry, Google Analytics metrics have that covered already.
  • Location: When you target a wider marketplace, you must be aware of your customer base. You must know where most of your customers are coming from. Google Analytics metrics helps you to target the location where most of your customers are coming from.
  • Website speed: It is very important to give a good experience to the user visiting your website. For that, the loading speed of the landing page should be good.
Isn’t it great to learn all these metrics? Our digital marketingcompany in Delhi/NCR can support your business in this regard. Without these metrics, it’s very hard to know your improvement areas. All these metrics will be yours by just adding a small coding to your website which we mentioned earlier. So, go for it and enjoy your success.


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